What is it in waking up early, that feels so liberating. It’s surely not the moments on having to get out of bed.

But past getting out of bed, once you’re up, there is this tranquillity …and then when the sun starts rising you still got 6 whole hours till noon. Then you feel that you have more time, that you’re getting more time out of life, and now you don’t even have the stress of having to rush. Now life is not about just waking up to go to work anymore. And when you finish work you don’t feel like you’ve lost all your time on working, and the evenings feel different, more enjoyed you could say, as you don’t feel it like some short stolen time, as the only free time, to squeeze in seeing friends, having dinner and somehow unwinding before it’s time for bed.

Instead you generally feel so relaxed, and as sleepy feelings set in way earlier now, you get to enjoy feeling rather careless of time itself, and going to bed is a relaxing pleasure. And the knowing that you have plenty of time for you when you wake up, feels like having your own perfect playground space, designed uniquely according to you. Your time and space, with no disturbance, to do whatever you want, in whatever ways you like.

And now like this you are even sleeping the best hours, waking up and getting out of bed more easy than before, as you are in sync with the natural rhythms of sleeping and awaking.

Now you’re finally getting the benefits of being asleep between midnight and 2 am, during which time, due to the effects of the moon (if you are already asleep since a while) the body releases a secrete for you brain body and bones and all, to regenerate and restore you. No wonder waking up and actually getting up becomes so much more easy.

Even if you feel depressed upon awakimg, it’s not anywhere near as heavy as when you fall asleep before midnight.

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